
Help Orbis, a global organization that empowers developing nations to provide access to optic care, refine its web presence.  

This long scroll approach to a homepage helped Orbis to show instead of tell. Working in such a modular approach is a great collaborative experience, because copy, design and UX have to work in tandem to make the pieces fit.

This long scroll approach to a homepage helped Orbis to show instead of tell. Working in such a modular approach is a great collaborative experience, because copy, design and UX have to work in tandem to make the pieces fit.

A unique design challenge was creating an interactive experience to capture Orbis' flying eye hospital. Taking users into the plane to see how all of their great is done was a great feat.    http://www.orbis.org/feh

A unique design challenge was creating an interactive experience to capture Orbis' flying eye hospital. Taking users into the plane to see how all of their great is done was a great feat.    http://www.orbis.org/feh

I always think of a sitemap as the larger conversation. I loved the "Why Vision" as a way to introduce Orbis. Because vision impairment isn't the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of global problems, this approach was much more compelling that starting off with the all-too-coventional "about us".

Orbis has a major presence in a handful of countries but helps a much larger total. This approach to their "Where we work" page provided an informational hierarchy that presented each country appropriately.